About Us

EARS History

The Emerald Amateur Radio Society (EARS) was founded in 1960 to promote Amateur Radio and the Amateur Radio community in Lane County. To promote greater harmony in the family radio shack, EARS became the first club to admit women members. EARS first meeting was in the back room of an ice cream shop in Springfield, followed by meeting places at the Eugene Public Library, the Science Factory, and Springfield’s City Hall.  Currently we are meeting in the EOC room at the Springfield Justice Center, 230 4th Street, Springfield OR.

General meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, unless falling on a holiday, in which case this website and email notices will post appropriate changes.  EARS is a state-charted non-profit corporation having its own officers and operating equipment. EARs is an affiliated club of the American Radio Relay League’s (ARRL) and operates under the rules of the Federal Communications Commission  Amateur Radio Service.

During times of emergency, EARS may operate under the auspices of the City of Springfield’s Emergency Management structure.  The Springfield Police Department provides an Auxiliary Radio room housed in the Springfield Justice Center for EARS radio club call sign W7SFD.  The club also maintains a 2 meter repeater, WA7FQD, located in Springfield, found on 146.74 MHz on 2 meters.

EARS offers the general public information about Amateur radio, participates in community sponsored events providing ham radio communication, recommends current classes in Amateur Radio licensing when they are taught, and its role in emergencies. We also participate in simulated emergency tests (SETS) on a city, county and state basis.  If you already have an Amateur Radio license, EARS has many areas of interest ranging from DX ing to antenna building to digital communications, and more. In addition, training in Emergency Communications is offered monthly to anyone interested.

Why Become an EARS Member?

In answer to that question, I would have to say, “Fun”. What kind of fun, you ask? First let me tell you  about EARS .

EARS was founded in 1960 for the gathering of like-minded Amateur Radio enthusiasts who wanted to share their knowledge and expertise in radio with anyone who was interested.

EARS is an American Radio Relay League (ARRL) affiliated club. As an affiliated club, EARS reaps the benefits of the ARRL as a resource for members. We meet monthly to share information and conduct club business. EARS offers monthly Amateur Radio testing under the auspices of the ARRL Volunteer Examiner program for those who are seeking a new license or an upgrade to their current one.

When possible, we offer classes in a variety of subjects including test preparation, antenna building, digital communications, emergency communications and much more. EARS has its own VHF/UHF repeater for use by members and the general public.

We participate in simulated emergency tests in conjunction with the City of Springfield Emergency Operations Center from our radio shack located inside the Springfield Justice Center. We also participate in ham radio contests, special events, DX (long distance contacts), and general HF radio activities from this same location.

Want to learn how to build your own radio or just some accessories for your radio shack? EARS can help with knowledge, encouragement and opportunities to learn.

EARS promotes many more ham radio related subjects and most of all we participate and have a good time whatever we are doing in radio. We welcome anyone who has an interest in radio and a desire to have a great time. Come join us and find out how wonderful the world of Amateur Radio can be, especially when shared with others, and most of all, to have FUN!  If you would like to become a member, click this link.

EARS Mail list

This list is open to all Amateurs, and non-amateurs, regardless of EARS membership status.

– To subscribe, click here:

– When one person sends a message, everyone on the list gets it
– It’s a closed list: only members of the list can post
– The list is managed, so there should be NO spam.


Dues are payable in advance for a calendar year, paid on or before the first January meeting of the new year, as follows:

Voting Membership — $20.00
Associate Membership — $20.00
Family Membership — $20.00 first member; $10.00 each additional member
Student Membership (K-12) — $2.00
Meritorious Members — No Dues
Life Members — No Dues

New members joining the Club after January 1st shall pay a pro rata portion of the annual dues, as follows:

January – March: $20.00
April – June $15.00
July – September $10.00
October – December $ 5.00

Club Constitution & By-laws



Last Updated on February 2, 2025 by Vice President
