Latest Exam Results: January 18, 2024
We did not test in December due to the holidays and our January session was attended by one candidate. We had a good turnout of volunteer examiners and our thanks go out to each of them. Without the volunteers we could not provide testing for the public.
Our one candidate had been licensed before, some time ago, and was back to get reestablished in Ham radio. Unfortunately, he did not quite pass the exam and has vowed to return after some additional study and review.
Our next test session will be on Saturday, February 15th, at 1pm. We are available on a weekend for those who cannot make it during the week. Our weekend sessions have proved to be very helpful to many and we are pleased to be able to provide it.
Again, I want to personally thank each of our examiners for taking time out of their weekend to help administer the examinations. Volunteering your time and experience to help new applicants is one of the great things I have seen Hams doing for our hobby. Again my thanks to each of you. We couldn’t do it without you!
If you are upgrading or coming for your first license we welcome you and look forward to being of service. Please call Peter, N7IY. His phone number is on the ARRL web site under “exam sessions”, if you are planning on testing.
On another note, the ARRL VEC, that is the American Radio Relay League Volunter Examination Coordinator, is making changes to the testing process which will be in full affect after December 2025. The changes involve making the entire testing process an all electronic experience. This means that how our testing is provided will have to be examined to determine if it is possible for the EARS VE team to be able to provide tests. Basically, all testing will be done on-line which means the candidate will have to preregister and then take the test via the web.
We don’t know at this time just how that will be accomplished nor how we will be able to provide on-line access for testing. We are waiting to get more information from the ARRL VEC and will post that here when it comes.
If you are a General class, Advanced, or Extra class license holder you can become a Volunteer Examiner and receive accreditation from the ARRL by passing an open book exam. The service of providing examinations for aspiring Hams is very rewarding and well worth the effort. Nothing feels as good as seeing someone grinning as they are told they PASSED the test.
If you want to get your VE accreditation you can find out all about it here: , it is well worth it.
That’s it for this month. Thank you for checking in to see how “your” VE team is doing. I hope you will join us at a meeting or exam. Be well. See you on the air.
73, Bob AD7Z
Last Updated on February 8, 2025 by Bob, AD7Z